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Group Field


It's possible to group related fields in a recordtype in a number of ways.


This will visually group the fields together in the form. A complete example of 2 fields in the image:DisplayGroup display group looks like the following.

@prefix dc:              <> .
@prefix sh:              <> .
@prefix rdf:             <> .
@prefix rdfs:            <> .
@prefix dash:            <> .
@prefix xsd:             <> .
@prefix memorix:         <> .
@prefix recordtypes:     </resources/recordtypes/> .
@prefix image:           </resources/recordtypes/Image#> .

    a                               memorix:Recordtype, sh:NodeShape ;
    rdfs:label                      "Image" ;
    dc:identifier                   "Image" ;
    sh:closed                       true ;
    sh:ignoredProperties            ( rdf:type ) ;
    sh:targetClass                  recordtypes:Image ;
    # First field
    sh:property [ 
        rdfs:label        "Title" ;
        sh:path           image:title ;
        sh:maxCount       1 ;
        sh:order          1.0 ;
        sh:group          image:DisplayGroup ;
        sh:datatype       xsd:string ;
        dash:editor       dash:TextFieldEditor ;
        dash:singleLine   true ; 
    ] ;
    # Second field
    sh:property [ 
        rdf:type            sh:PropertyShape ;
        rdfs:label          "Date"@en ;
        sh:path             image:date ;    
        sh:order            2.0 ;
        sh:datatype         xsd:date ;
        sh:group            image:DisplayGroup ; 
    ] ;

This will render as following:

# The group that the fields are rendered in
    rdf:type   sh:PropertyGroup ;
    rdfs:label "Image group" ;
    sh:order   1.0


It's also possible to group fields in a different way, this is required if the grouped fields need to have a different target class, for example a birth event which contains a date and a location field.

@prefix dc:              <> .
@prefix sh:              <> .
@prefix rdf:             <> .
@prefix rdfs:            <> .
@prefix dash:            <> .
@prefix xsd:             <> .
@prefix memorix:         <> .
@prefix recordtypes:     </resources/recordtypes/> .
@prefix person:          </resources/recordtypes/Person#> .

    a                               memorix:Recordtype, sh:NodeShape ;
    rdfs:label                      "Person" ;
    dc:identifier                   "Person" ;
    sh:closed                       true ;
    sh:ignoredProperties            ( rdf:type ) ;
    sh:targetClass                  recordtypes:Person ;
    # Group of date event
    sh:property                     [ 
        rdfs:label   "Birth event" ;
        sh:group     person:DisplayGroup ;
        sh:path      person:birth ;
        sh:order     6 ;
        sh:maxCount  1 ;
        sh:nodeKind  sh:BlankNode ;
        sh:class     person:DateEvent ;
    ] ;

    a                    sh:NodeShape ;
    sh:closed            true ;
    sh:ignoredProperties ( rdf:type ) ;
    sh:targetClass       person:DateEvent ;
    sh:property          [         
        rdfs:label  "date"@en ;
        sh:path     person:date ;
        sh:order    1.0 ;
        sh:datatype xsd:date ;
        sh:maxCount 1 ; 
    ] ;
    sh:property          [         
        rdfs:label  "place"@en ;
        sh:path     person:place ;
        sh:order    2.0 ;
        sh:datatype xsd:string ;
        sh:maxCount 1 ; 
    ] ;

    rdf:type   sh:PropertyGroup ;
    rdfs:label "Person" ;
    sh:order   1.0

This will render as following: "Group"

Repeatable group

A repeatable group can be created in a similiar fashion as a normal group as above but without sh:maxCount 1 ;.

The order of the items will be random if the order is important see "Repeatable ordered group"

So the entire field would become:

# Group of date events
sh:property                     [ 
    rdfs:label   "Birth event" ;
    sh:group     person:DisplayGroup ;
    sh:path      person:birth ;
    sh:order     6 ;
    sh:nodeKind  sh:BlankNode ;
    sh:class     person:DateEvent ;
] ;

This will render as following: "Repeatable group"

Repeatable ordered group

A repeatable group where order of items are important will need to contain the following field.

sh:property          [ 
    rdfs:label  "order"@en ;
    memorix:hidden true ;
    sh:description "This field is required for persistent order of group items" ;
    sh:path     memorix:order ;
    sh:order    0.0 ;
    sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
    sh:minCount 1 ;
    sh:maxCount 1 ; 
] ;

A full example would look like below:

@prefix dc:              <> .
@prefix sh:              <> .
@prefix rdf:             <> .
@prefix rdfs:            <> .
@prefix dash:            <> .
@prefix xsd:             <> .
@prefix memorix:         <> .
@prefix recordtypes:     </resources/recordtypes/> .
@prefix person:          </resources/recordtypes/Person#> .

    a                               memorix:Recordtype, sh:NodeShape ;
    rdfs:label                      "Person" ;
    dc:identifier                   "Person4" ;
    sh:closed                       true ;
    sh:ignoredProperties            ( rdf:type ) ;
    sh:targetClass                  recordtypes:Person ;
    # Group of date event
    sh:property                     [ 
        rdfs:label   "Birth event" ;
        sh:group     person:DisplayGroup ;
        sh:path      person:birth ;
        sh:order     6 ;
        sh:nodeKind  sh:BlankNode ;
        sh:class     person:DateEvent ;
    ] ;

    a                    sh:NodeShape ;
    sh:closed            true ;
    sh:ignoredProperties ( rdf:type ) ;
    sh:targetClass       person:DateEvent ;
    sh:property          [ 
        rdfs:label  "order"@en ;
        memorix:hidden true ;
        sh:description "This field is required for persistent order of group items" ;
        sh:path     memorix:order ;
        sh:order    0.0 ;
        sh:datatype xsd:integer ;
        sh:minCount 1 ;
        sh:maxCount 1 ; 
    ] ;
    sh:property          [         
        rdfs:label  "date"@en ;
        sh:path     person:date ;
        sh:order    1.0 ;
        sh:datatype xsd:date ;
        sh:maxCount 1 ; 
    ] ;
    sh:property          [         
        rdfs:label  "place"@en ;
        sh:path     person:place ;
        sh:order    2.0 ;
        sh:datatype xsd:string ;
        sh:maxCount 1 ; 
    ] ;

    rdf:type   sh:PropertyGroup ;
    rdfs:label "Person" ;
    sh:order   1.0

And render in the UI as following: "Repeatable ordered group"