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Vocabulary Editor


The Vocabulary Editor provides a UI element for linking to a concept from a conceptscheme.

Shacl definition in the RecordType

A Vocabulary Editor can be added to a RecordType by adding the dash:editor memorix:VocabularyEditor statement. Also, a statement with the predicate memorix:conceptSchemeIn pointing to the conceptscheme to link from is mandatory. The sh:nodeKind can only be sh:IRI.

sh:property [ 
                 rdfs:label   "Architect" ;
                 dash:editor memorix:VocabularyEditor ;
                 sh:class    skos:Concept ;
                 sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
                 memorix:conceptSchemeIn <> ;
                 sh:group    monument:contentDescriptionGroup ;
                 sh:order    6.0 ;
                 sh:path     monument:architect ;
             ] ;

UI result

The Vocabulary Editor will be rendered as following in the UI:

"EnumSelect Editor in the UI"

After clicking the looking glass, the Concept select panel will be opened in the sidepanel:

"EnumSelect Editor in the UI"