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Depot's & Containers

Reading Depot's & Containers

Minimal list of required roles:

  • Read Depot
  • Read Depot Container
  • Read Depot Container Type

Example group:

read containers group example

Updating Containers

Minimal requirement of this functionality is:

Minimal list of required roles with addition of above:

  • Update Depot Container

Creating Containers

Minimal requirement of this functionality is:

Minimal list of required roles with addition of above:

  • Create Depot Container

Deleting Containers

Minimal requirement of this functionality is:

Minimal list of required roles with addition of above:

  • Delete Depot Container

Updating Depot's

Minimal requirement of this functionality is:

Minimal list of required roles with addition of above:

  • Read Config
  • Update Config
  • Update Depot

Creating Depot's

Minimal requirement of this functionality is:

Minimal list of required roles with addition of above:

  • Read Config
  • Update Config
  • Create Depot

Deleting Depot's

Minimal requirement of this functionality is:

Minimal list of required roles with addition of above:

  • Read Config
  • Update Config
  • Delete Depot

NOTE: To delete a depot you will need to delete all children containers from the depot first