A serie recordtype will need the following properties.
Serie identifier
Statement on a string field to be used as custom identifier by the archival institution.
memorix:typeOf memorix:Identifier
This field is required for bulk create and should only contain integers for bulk create to function properly for adding incrementing values.
Optional tree path
It's possible to display the path of all series back to the fond to see the context of the file within the fonds.
| memorix:hasInformationComponent [
a memorix:TreePathComponent ;
memorix:hasRecordtype recordtypes:Fonds, recordtypes:Serie ;
memorix:required true ;
] ;
Reference recordtype
Below is a basic implementation of Serie recordtype.
| @prefix dc: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix dash: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix html: <> .
@prefix memorix: <> .
@prefix vocabularies: </vocabularies/> .
@prefix recordtypes: </resources/recordtypes/> .
@prefix serie: </resources/recordtypes/Serie#> .
a memorix:Recordtype, sh:NodeShape ;
rdfs:label "Serie" ;
rdfs:comment "Serie recordtype" ;
dc:identifier "Serie" ;
sh:closed true ;
sh:ignoredProperties ( rdf:type ) ;
sh:targetClass recordtypes:Serie ;
memorix:hasInformationComponent [
a memorix:TreePathComponent ;
memorix:hasRecordtype recordtypes:Fonds, recordtypes:Serie ;
memorix:required true ;
] ;
sh:property [ rdfs:label "Identifier" ;
memorix:typeOf memorix:Identifier ;
sh:path serie:id ;
memorix:inTitleAt 1.0 ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:order 0.0 ;
sh:group serie:DisplayGroup ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
dash:editor dash:TextFieldEditor ;
dash:singleLine true ; ] ;
sh:property [ rdfs:label "Title" ;
sh:path serie:title ;
memorix:inTitleAt 2.0 ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:order 2.0 ;
sh:group serie:DisplayGroup ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
dash:editor dash:TextFieldEditor ;
dash:singleLine true ; ] ;
sh:property [ rdfs:label "Date (text)" ;
sh:path serie:date ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:order 3.0 ;
sh:group serie:DisplayGroup ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
dash:editor dash:TextFieldEditor ;
dash:singleLine true ; ] ;
sh:property [ rdfs:label "From" ;
sh:path serie:from ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:order 4.0 ;
sh:group serie:DisplayGroup ;
sh:datatype xsd:gYear ; ] ;
sh:property [ rdfs:label "Till" ;
sh:path serie:till ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:order 5.0 ;
sh:group serie:DisplayGroup ;
sh:datatype xsd:gYear ; ] ;
sh:property [ rdfs:label "Scope and content" ;
sh:path serie:scope ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:order 6.0 ;
sh:group serie:DisplayGroup ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
dash:editor dash:TextAreaEditor ; ] ;
sh:property [ rdfs:label "Note" ;
sh:path serie:note ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:order 7.0 ;
sh:group serie:DisplayGroup ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
dash:editor dash:TextAreaEditor ; ] ;
rdf:type sh:PropertyGroup ;
rdfs:label "Serie" ;
sh:order 1.0